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German Shorthaired Gundog Training At Prince's Quality Gun Dogs

Gun Dog Training

Over 35 Years of Gun Dog Training Experience

I have been in the business for over 35 years and have been breeding and training German Shorthaired Pointers for as many years. I have always strived to produce the best quality that I can, with an emphasis on QUALITY not quantity. Features that I strive to produce are solid liver heads, high tails, excellent noses but most of all intelligence. All pups are guaranteed to be natural bird dogs. I have produced many pups that are pointing, backing and retrieving as early as 4 months of age. I have produced many dogs that are now the foundation of many other kennels.

I mainly sell dogs from word of mouth or to people that have the privilege to hunt over my pups or dogs. I make this commitment to all of my clients: I will strive to give you the best product for your dollar. I also offer tips in training your pup or young dog. I believe in helping people after they have bought the product. In other words I will not leave you high and dry when or after I receive your dollar. How can you lose?! A great product with customer support. I hope you enjoy your new companion and great hunting. Also, I would like to tell you about my location. I am located in southeast Kansas, 30 minutes from Joplin Missouri, 3 hours from Wichita Kansas and 2.5 hours from Kansas City and 1 hour from the Arkansas Oklahoma line.

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Training German Shorthaired Pointers

Training German Shorthaired Pointers

I take gundog or bird dog training very seriously. With it, you will have an obedient dog, that when asked, will locate and retrieve birds at your command. Without training, you’ll have a dog that will not only give you headaches, but one that jeopardizes its own safety and the pleasure of your hunt.

My bird dog training consists of:

  1. Assessing the dog’s level of training…in other words when an individual brings him in, what does pup already know? Has he seen birds? Does he know the “here” or “come” command? This information provides my basis for training.
  2. I assess the dog’s temperament. Does he or she have a real strong personality or are they a little softer? This to me is probably the most critical, due to the fact if you cannot read the response or reaction of the dog, this is when one creates MAN-MADE PROBLEMS!

It is in your best interest to do your homework and find a reputable trainer. Often, this is difficult, because you rely on another’s word or the trainer’s “salesmanship.” Again, try to feel the person out because not every trainer is created equal.

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How to train a gundog

German Shorthaired Bird Dog Training Methods

My methods consist of POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT, in other words I make training fun for pup. I’ve had individuals watch me in the field and say, “IT SURE IS A PLEASURE TO SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH A DOG IN SUCH A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME, WITH NO PRESSURE AT ALL.” Believe me, if I tell you I can take a dog that would not stand and hold a bird and make them a dog that will be running in the field SLAM A BIRD, hold it and know the “whoa” command in an hour, believe that I will. I do have witnesses that will attest to this, and I do it with positive reinforcement. When I complete my training with your dog, it will exhibit confidence in the field. When you give it the “whoa” command, its tail and head will be high, anticipating a bird getting up in front.

This is my pledge to you as a Breeder and a Trainer and just as the person I am: I will do my best to give you the QUALITY that you deserve, will not keep your dog, pet, companion etc. an extra few weeks just to make an extra dollar. When I am done with your pup, I’ll call you immediately to provide a final update and let you know you pup is ready to come home. If you would like a trainer who is honest, provides updates on pup’s progress, only charges for the necessary training with no hidden costs, and gives you a HAPPY, WELL-TRAINED GUNDOG, please consider me.

Methods for Training Hunting dogs

Cost to for Train Gundog Pointers

Training your pup from the basics to the level of a finished hunting dog will only cost you a flat fee of $2700. This price includes birds! When I am finished, you’ll have a hunting dog that handles in the field, is “whoa broke” with style, honors another dog (if desired), knows the “here” command, will load up, and retrieves to hand (if pup possesses/demonstrates the ability to do so).

Will my hunting dog be trained to retrieve birds?

In regards to retrieving, if pup likes to carry things or really likes birds and wants to carry them, then I will have them retrieving to hand by the end of training. To specifically address “Force Breaking”: I prefer not to force break, again my method of training is positive not negative. I believe selective breeding is the best method to achieve a “natural retrieve.”

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Training 5

Please note when you hire me to train your bird dog and training is complete, you are still welcome to contact me with your questions and concerns. As I tell my clients, we are all on this journey together. I promise to provide the best possible advice for you and your new companion. Please contact me with any questions in regards to training. I’m more than happy to provide assistance.


Puppies for Sale

Areas We Serve in Kansas, Texas & Oklahoma

Our facilities are centrally located in Southeastern Kansas, making the training facilities ideal for hunters in Texas, Oklahoma & Missouri. We are less than 2 hours from Springfield, 2.5 hours from Wichita & just over 6 hours from Dallas, Texas.